Vics get the flags out.
On Saturday 7th September Liverpool Victoria RC held its end of season “fun” regatta, complete with BBQ and a ukelele band, courtesy of Wallasey U3A.
The flags were out, bunting and balloons up and gazebos in place ready for kickoff at 1:30. With all racing taking place in Explore coxed quads, 5 adult and older junior crews were selected and 3 under j14 crews. Round Robin racing then commenced, while the band played and the BBQ and beer tents were well attended.
The weather was exceptional, with bright sunshine and virtually no winds. The term “fun” regatta doesn’t actually exist in the rowing world, all races were hotly contested as preselected crews fought it out against each other. As the afternoon wore on it became apparent which 2 crews were consistently coming first, so a decision was made to have a final contest between, the Shamrocks and Alas Smith and Jones.
By a narrow lead the overall adult winners of the day were, the Shamrocks, consisting of Georgina and Tom Keaney, Jane Kelly, Claire McNulty and Jake Walters..
The runners up were the Smith family, of Roger, Elizabeth, Edwad and Henry joined by Cath Jones.
Well done to all and a great show of team spirit from club members, friends and families.
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