Sculling Skills School ?

On a flat calm evening, on the West Float last night, a group of adult members went afloat, in a variety of sculling boats, to improve their sculling skills.
We are well used to seeing the junior squad being put through their paces by coach Lesley. Standing up in their boats, swapping oars, rigger dipping etc, but last night it was the turn of adult crews to show what they can do.

Most of our adult squad come into rowing later in life and so do not have that early background of training, balance skills and the general fearlessness of youth. But with encouragement and careful instruction, our adults achieved a high level of skill.

The Monday sculling school, that Lesley runs during the summer months, is designed to either start people off in sculls or improve on their confidence and skill levels if they already scull. We aim to get all new members out in a single scull within the first year after completing Learn to Row. It may not be their favourite boat, but the exercises and training that they accomplish in singles and doubles helps to improve their overall confidence and understanding of how a boat moves and reacts, to the scullers actions.

 Learn to Row at LVRC

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