Members Regatta Returns !
After a couple years break Members Regatta returns once again on Saturday 7th September. We are delighted to announce that we are holding a Member’s Regatta on Saturday 7th September from 12.30pm. There will be coxed quad racing with equal crews selected by the Coaches, £3 for adults and £2 for Juniors (under 15). Family and friends are welcome to join in!
There will also be a bbq for just £5.00 – burger, bun and cake with unlimited salad with vegan options available. Entertainment will be provided a by a U3A Ukelele Band and we’ll have the raffle / tombola.
Please come and join us and bring your friends and family – it should be a lovely fun day and great way to end the summer season! Any questions, please speak to a member of the Captaincy Team. Please see the attached poster.
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