Peter Duff 1928-2021
Peter Duff 1928-2021
It is with the greatest regret that I have to report that Peter Duff, one of the club’s greatest stalwarts, has died.
Peter joined Liverpool Victoria just after the Second World War, having previously been a member of Wallasey School Boat Club. He was Club Captain in 1953 and 1954, made a Life Member in 1970 and served as a ‘hands-on’ President from 1997-2017. He was subsequently elected as the Club’s first President Emeritus to reflect the massive service that he continued to make to the club.
Peter’s time with the club (he was still active on the Club Committee in May 2021, before his final illness) covered 74 years of the 137 years that the club has been in existence.
We will all have our special memories of Peter and will all remember the immense contribution he made to the club. In addition to his rowing prowess, this was also as a practical man who carried out such skilful boat repairs, as a first-rate administrator who wrote and re-wrote the Club Rules and as a wise head who had a clear view of what was right and what was wrong.
The club will miss Peter but should always remember everything that he did for us.
I am in contact with Peter’s sons, who are arranging his funeral (as you will imagine, Peter had already planned the approach to be taken). I will advise all members of the final arrangements once they have been confirmed.
Richard Lewis
Chairman Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club